Ok so I realize it has been forever since I've blogged but that really doesn't matter because I'm pretty sure no one reads this any way. And if someone is reading this then I would just like to pause and say Thank You...
Any way so an entire semester of school has gone by and it's been stated -and by stated I mean guilt tripped, bribed, bitched, and my personal favorite " you really need to think about your future"- so obviously one of my New Year's resolutions was to do better in school. That being said... I'm not off to such a great start, especially if you take into consideration my teacher's lack of a very important english assignment. Sorry Miss.
Well I'm waiting for inspiration to come so COME ALREADY MUSE OF WRITERS AND JUNK. Oh and by the way Mal... DRAW LIKE THE WIND!
So despite everything let this entry be a testament and witness to my oath of improving my school, home and all other types of work.