Saturday, March 29, 2008

I suppose I'm just a positive person

I feel great. Really I do. Like I mentioned before I was at my Aunt Lena's for my spring break and directly after I went to my Aunt Elva's (on a count of my mom's acts retreat) and honestly I'm not bothered that Spring Break is basically over. People have said to me "Oh I bet you're not looking foward to the end of Spring Break". But I had a really good Break and I think it was what I needed to sort of get back on my feet. Not that I was ever off of them but I can start school fresh and renewed. I feel a bit because I havn't been to my own house in just about a full week but it's a good odd.
Today I walked the "Race For the Cure" and it was very touching to see all of those survivors as well as the supporters. Like I said I'm just so positive right now that pretty nothing can knock me down. In fact I'm not just positive I'm rejuvinated.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Are you kidding me?

This has nothing to do with my Spring break but instead an issue that was just presented to me.
Two minutes ago I was watching the morning news with Susan Chung or whatever and there was and interesting piece about "MMA". "MMA" is a form of mixed martial that in most cases is fought within the boundaries of a cage and ends in a knock out. But it wasn't that perticular information that bothered it was the fact that this new act of brutality is children. What parent in their right mind would actually allow their child to commit such insane and cruel performance. And these weren't teenagers, no , they were nine, ten year olds. They showed a clip of these kids kneeing eachother in the face and kicking heads. It was mortifying to actually see the future wife beaters of America. This mother went to say that she loved the discipline the kids got. Well you know what lady, not only is it discipline, its giving you're child a hunger for power, a hunger for strenghth which will eventually lead to either mass genocide or self destruction. The kids in the clip who weren't fighting but watching with the most distrurbing look on their faces... they looked like grown men watching another man, and they enjoyed it.

The following isn't the clip I saw but it gives you the idea.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

A thousand tales.

In all honesty I really don't have that much to say but: I'm in my last quarter at St. Cecilia's, I'm currently at my Aunt's enjoying Spring break, and I'm exahusted. My mom is almost leaving for her ACTS trip and I'll be at my other Aunt's for the weekend.
This week was extremely fun. But I want to start with Thursday: Thursday was HOLY THURSDAY and being that I attend a Catholic school of course I was dismissed early. That day consisted of me screaming nonstop "Spring Break '08". And I'm sure I could give a whole laundry list of people who were annoyed by that but I won't get into those dorks [natzes]. It was completely fun and I had a great time. Friday, Saturday [boring]. Sunday was Easter so I went back and forth between my two families and then left to my Aunt's. I've been here ever since takingf care of things around the house as well as the baby (when he's not screaming his head off.) And so my tale comes to an end, but fret not, it continues tommorow at my other Aunt's.
Geez I'm such a dork.