Thursday, March 27, 2008

A thousand tales.

In all honesty I really don't have that much to say but: I'm in my last quarter at St. Cecilia's, I'm currently at my Aunt's enjoying Spring break, and I'm exahusted. My mom is almost leaving for her ACTS trip and I'll be at my other Aunt's for the weekend.
This week was extremely fun. But I want to start with Thursday: Thursday was HOLY THURSDAY and being that I attend a Catholic school of course I was dismissed early. That day consisted of me screaming nonstop "Spring Break '08". And I'm sure I could give a whole laundry list of people who were annoyed by that but I won't get into those dorks [natzes]. It was completely fun and I had a great time. Friday, Saturday [boring]. Sunday was Easter so I went back and forth between my two families and then left to my Aunt's. I've been here ever since takingf care of things around the house as well as the baby (when he's not screaming his head off.) And so my tale comes to an end, but fret not, it continues tommorow at my other Aunt's.
Geez I'm such a dork.

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