Saturday, June 14, 2008

That's what I'm talking about!

So I came home about an hour ago from a fun night with friends and was like "well I'll check the regular" (for those of you who don't know that means: myspace, email, blog.) And I was informed that I had four comments. Woo hoo finally some circulation. Obviously I have some addresses to update on. My bad Uncle David.
Ahhh so I'm here watching and the Taco Bell commercial came on where the two adolescents rap and I thought of Jerm. ha.
My ACTS retreat is in a couple of days. So I'm sure it'll be a hectic week.
Do me a favor and reply with some email addresses so as to make sure I can keep everyone linked.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

BIG family = BIG amount of love my BIG butt

So I thought maybe when I logged on that I would have at least one comment from one of my family members who got a chuckle from my witty bantor but obviously not. Nice guys...nice.
Have fun NOT reading and/or commenting my blog.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

I feel like I created a monster

So my aunt Lena is no technological genius but she does have something working for her... an incredible wit. I mean she can just come up with a funny statement at the drop of a hat. She's even funnier when writing an email or message or texts, things of that genre. So when I suggested the idea of an internet she was more than excited. And so said blog was created and now she's definately become somewhat of a blogger extrordeanaire.
Keep up the the great work spiffy, maybe you'll be as good as me one day.... or maybe not.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Pomp and Circumstance never sounded so good

Ahhh bells ring as hat and tassles of every school color go on the heads of teenagers everywhere. I am one of them. Last Saturday was my eighth grade graduation and all of the drama, teachers, and other torments of middle school are over, however the new drama, teachers, and other torments of HIGH SCHOOL aren't too far away. But whatever I'm not thinking about that right now because HELLO...SUMMER DUH!
So thankfully I'll be relaxing my butt off until I feel I shouldn't anymore.
Suck it work.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

I suppose I'm just a positive person

I feel great. Really I do. Like I mentioned before I was at my Aunt Lena's for my spring break and directly after I went to my Aunt Elva's (on a count of my mom's acts retreat) and honestly I'm not bothered that Spring Break is basically over. People have said to me "Oh I bet you're not looking foward to the end of Spring Break". But I had a really good Break and I think it was what I needed to sort of get back on my feet. Not that I was ever off of them but I can start school fresh and renewed. I feel a bit because I havn't been to my own house in just about a full week but it's a good odd.
Today I walked the "Race For the Cure" and it was very touching to see all of those survivors as well as the supporters. Like I said I'm just so positive right now that pretty nothing can knock me down. In fact I'm not just positive I'm rejuvinated.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Are you kidding me?

This has nothing to do with my Spring break but instead an issue that was just presented to me.
Two minutes ago I was watching the morning news with Susan Chung or whatever and there was and interesting piece about "MMA". "MMA" is a form of mixed martial that in most cases is fought within the boundaries of a cage and ends in a knock out. But it wasn't that perticular information that bothered it was the fact that this new act of brutality is children. What parent in their right mind would actually allow their child to commit such insane and cruel performance. And these weren't teenagers, no , they were nine, ten year olds. They showed a clip of these kids kneeing eachother in the face and kicking heads. It was mortifying to actually see the future wife beaters of America. This mother went to say that she loved the discipline the kids got. Well you know what lady, not only is it discipline, its giving you're child a hunger for power, a hunger for strenghth which will eventually lead to either mass genocide or self destruction. The kids in the clip who weren't fighting but watching with the most distrurbing look on their faces... they looked like grown men watching another man, and they enjoyed it.

The following isn't the clip I saw but it gives you the idea.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

A thousand tales.

In all honesty I really don't have that much to say but: I'm in my last quarter at St. Cecilia's, I'm currently at my Aunt's enjoying Spring break, and I'm exahusted. My mom is almost leaving for her ACTS trip and I'll be at my other Aunt's for the weekend.
This week was extremely fun. But I want to start with Thursday: Thursday was HOLY THURSDAY and being that I attend a Catholic school of course I was dismissed early. That day consisted of me screaming nonstop "Spring Break '08". And I'm sure I could give a whole laundry list of people who were annoyed by that but I won't get into those dorks [natzes]. It was completely fun and I had a great time. Friday, Saturday [boring]. Sunday was Easter so I went back and forth between my two families and then left to my Aunt's. I've been here ever since takingf care of things around the house as well as the baby (when he's not screaming his head off.) And so my tale comes to an end, but fret not, it continues tommorow at my other Aunt's.
Geez I'm such a dork.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Woo hoo! (drained)

Long time, right.
Feels awkward because once again I'm pretty sure NO ONE IS READING!
Well just in case, its official I got my acceptance letter from St. Anthony's. Huge load off my chest as you can probably imagine. No major crisuses (is that right) as far as I know. It seems like every blog Ive posted involves some sort of dier emergency like loss of money, and my St. A's entrance essay, which of course I don't need to worry about anymore.
Hmmm... I've met my sister Lurie and my adorable niece Roslynn (I think thats how you spell it). Who by the way is cuter then a tellitubby wrapped in a Dora sleeping bag smothered in... I don't know... other cute stuff, whatever. Any way, point is she's cute.
Big news though, my sisters (sounds so weird saying) saw my father (for lack of a better word). And apparently I'm the only one who is surprised and in shock and awe. My sister (Sophia) thinks its because I still havn't got over the fact THAT HE'S AN UTTER DISGRACE TO MANKIND AND REPRESENTS THE LOWEST COMMON DENOMINATOR OF SOCEITY!!! Who has surpressed feelings... not me.
I beleive that things have a way a working themselves out and why mess with a good thing.
Just some friendly "confucious-type" words there.

Sundays suck! Why you ask? Well I have to wake my tired butt up at 6:45 and go listen to my confirmation class teacher who is nothing but a clasic "old timee conservative". Every class consists of three things: Wellfare, abortion (lovers of our selves), and her "mijas and mijo".
Needless to say I'm drained...

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Doppler Radar of my sinuses

Honestly if Mountain cedar gets any higher my head might explde thus covering my surroundings in brain leftovers. Anyway I feel miserable but regardless school is doing good. I have my Math mid-term tommorow and I feel confident because I'm very familiar with the material. As for my history, it should be fairly simple because tommorow we have a review in which she (my history teacher) will most likely read questions directly off of the exam. Which brings me to Science. I'm not implying that I'm illy prepared, but I don't feel as comfortable with this one as I do with the others. Say a prayer I suppose. My final point... I have mid-terms but am not as stressed as others might be. Although I am in a rush to write my entrance essay to St. Anthony's. So I suppose say two prayers.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Trapeze act from the bowels of Hades himself.

While writing my previous entry I was oh so politely interrupted by the mom who needed me (and my growth spurg) to help her put a box away. While in my mom's closet I discovered a stack of some of my dad's childhood artwork. And under the pile of drawings was brochure or suvenier from hell. With the inclusion of the oddly dressed ringmaster I personally believe that the circus is actually an underground cult that is part of a secret evil conspiracy to end the world. In what way you might ask. Everytime that one attends the circus one always manages to lose something, am I right? Of course I am, but no one suspects anything they just think the children lost it. Unfortunately you are to distracted by the bearded women and poolry dressed elephants to notice the crazy little men stealing personal infromation from you're bags, or, for all you tourists, fanny packs. So just remember 30 years from now when every living human with a bank account's money is wired to a russian retired acrobat's account you search for my blog and then say 'wow I wish someone had listened to him when he forwarned us about this devestation that has befallen us'.

A Karma streak like no other.

Things might actually be looking up as opposed to lookng down I guess. Hey I don't make these expressions up. Anyway my misfortunes began with the ongoing pressure of the following: Over due religion assignment, lost student council money, High school placement test scores, and a couple of other significant but not enough to be remebered apparently. First item resolved: HSPT scores. excellent
Second: Recovered Money
Third; completed religion assignment. Of course even though those our cleared out other problems might begin to accumulate such as an upcoming english assignment, recomendation letters and my statement on why I want to attend St. Anthony's. humph.
So ups and downs aside I'll try and enjoy my weekend.

Monday, January 7, 2008

The Monopoly guy might kick my ass.

Oh dear. I start my blog distressed and uneasy. I discovered today that I have lost a large sum of money that Was entrusted to me by a nun. An NUN. So not only will I be forced to scavenge through my house, I'm probably going to Hell.
I'm definately getting better at being organized (with the disreguard of my divine financial dilema). I actually succeded in writing every bit of homework in my calendar and when I got home... I did it. I'm not saying I don't always do my homework but I never do it that early. Perhaps things are looking up (once again disreguarding the money) . Shall I get my hopes up, only to have them crushed. Maybe.

Friday, January 4, 2008

Chrismas break blues

Ok so I realize it has been forever since I've blogged but that really doesn't matter because I'm pretty sure no one reads this any way. And if someone is reading this then I would just like to pause and say Thank You...
Any way so an entire semester of school has gone by and it's been stated -and by stated I mean guilt tripped, bribed, bitched, and my personal favorite " you really need to think about your future"- so obviously one of my New Year's resolutions was to do better in school. That being said... I'm not off to such a great start, especially if you take into consideration my teacher's lack of a very important english assignment. Sorry Miss.
Well I'm waiting for inspiration to come so COME ALREADY MUSE OF WRITERS AND JUNK. Oh and by the way Mal... DRAW LIKE THE WIND!
So despite everything let this entry be a testament and witness to my oath of improving my school, home and all other types of work.